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The lasting impact of business law decisions

by | Oct 23, 2019 | Business Law

Starting a business in California can be exciting, but maintaining profitability and success is hard work. From business formation to contract matters to potential legal disputes, there is a range of issues that business leaders in California must be prepared to face. When it comes to legal matters, the decisions that business leaders make can have a lasting impact.

The decision to start a business, and the exact formation of that business, is a crucial first step. Choosing the right entity to create can impact the company’s long-term profitability, as well as the ability for the owners or controlling interests to avoid personal liability if something goes wrong. Taxation of the business is also a crucial matter to consider.

The backbone of many businesses is the relationship between suppliers, vendors and customers. In many of these relationships, a contract will dictate the terms of how the parties interact and their obligations to one another. These contracts can also dictate how disputes are resolved. As a result, our readers in California can likely guess that the manner in which these contracts are drafted is of the utmost importance.

At our law firm, we work with business leaders in California at every step of their journey in the business realm, from company creation to contract negotiation. And, if the unfortunate situation arises in which litigation is necessary, we do our best to help put our clients in the best position to achieve a positive outcome. For more information, please visit the business law overview section of our law firm’s website.